TRA League Tables

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TRA League Tables

League Tables

As TRAs continue to develop in the market, PC’s league tables highlight the innovative law and accounting firms that have been deeply involved in their development. The increasing prevalence of TRAs in the market has been largely driven by this elite group of firms.

Based on publicly disclosed information and verification from industry participants, below is our (i) inaugural league table of audit firms and (ii) second annual league table for legal advisors involved with TRAs in IPOs that closed in 2022. The legal advisor league table summarizes the number of distinct TRAs that a given law firm has been involved in, either as the primary counsel for the TRA obligor or the relevant underwriter in the IPO.

Audit Firm League Table

Company logo50
Company logo42
Company logo24
Company logo17
Company logo14
Company logo13
Company logo4
Company logo3
Company logo2 (each)
Company logo1 (each)

Law Firm 2022 League Table

Company logo235
Company logo314
Company logo213
Company logo303
Company logo213
Company logo202
Company logo022
Company logo101
Company logo101
Company logo011
Company logo011
Company logo101
Company logo101
Company logo101
Company logo101
Company logo011
Company logo101
Company logo101
Company logo011
Company logo011
Company logo101
Company logo011
Company logo101


(1) The data for the Audit Firm League Table was collected from public filings for over 180 companies with existing TRAs.

(2) Underwriter rankings for Law Firms includes representations of SPAC acquirors.

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